Local fundraiser receives tremendous response for two families devastated by Fourth of July fire

One of the homes devastated by the July 4 fire that occurred in Cider Grove
HUNTLEY – On July 11, Mike Lyp, founder of the 501c3 nonprofit organization Helping Hands and Caring Hearts (HHCH), partnered with the Huntley American Legion (11712 Coral Street) and other local agencies, to raise funds for the Winchester and Latendresse families, whose homes were devastated by a fire that occurred on July 4.
According to Patrick Fortunato, deputy fire chief for the Huntley Fire Protection District, the fire occurred on the 10200 block of Central Park Boulevard with fire vehicles responding at around 9:55 p.m.
Upon arrival, it was discovered that the two-story Winchester family home was fully engulfed in flames. Fortunato stated that the homes to the left and right of the Winchester house, suffered damage that was not structural in nature, but was more so siding damage from heat transfer.
The cause of the fire is still under investigation with assistance from the Huntley Police Department. Fortunato explained that the investigation is “focusing on what would be the front right side of the structure,” near the location of the Winchester’s garage.
However, it is not yet known if the fire started outside or inside of the property.
The fire took approximately 30 minutes to get under control with approximately 18 or 20 mutual aid units having responded from different neighboring fire departments, said Fortunato.
“All three structures, contents and everything, we’re conservatively estimating at about between 800 to $850,000 total loss. When I say that, that’s the structure itself and the content damage, so three different houses,” Fortunato said.
“I know it sounds like a very high number when you start looking at the total cost of replacement on the first house, damage to the two houses on either side and then any contents that are in that first house that have to be replaced, that number will build very quickly.”
Luckily, neither fire personnel or civilians were injured as a result of the fire, as all family members from the houses had already self-evacuated, however it would be a long road to recovery because of the substantial damage on the homes.
Lyp explained this was what inspired him to partner up with local community businesses and organizations in an effort to continue to assist the families most devastated by the fire.
According to Lyp, the Wendy’s in Huntley donated enough cutlery for 500 people, also including up to 300 of their signature frozen dairy dessert, a Frosty, for those who purchased a meal.
Kosta’s restaurant of Algonquin donated Greek salads and a few businesses like Great clips of Huntley donated some gift cards and other items to be raffled off to individuals. Though Lyp gave the biggest expression of gratitude to Niko Kanakaris, owner of Niko’s Red Mill Tavern in Woodstock.
“Niko donated [24 to 28] pork shoulders…We [set] a goal that I [had as] an idea so we could raise that money and out of respect for the families, I’m not sharing that, but we beat it and we beat it by a good amount of money…So we couldn’t have done this without some key people,” Lyp said via Facebook.
“Niko [donated] all the meat. 100% of that money that we collected went right to the families so that was awesome to not have to pay for the food and whatnot. Helping Hands Caring Hearts did pay for some stuff that wasn’t donated, so I have to thank the crew there…So thank you everybody so much for the people that donated, for the people that helped cook, that helped clean up…just thankful for coming together and supporting the families.”
Individuals who visited the Huntley American Legion on July 11, were asked to donate a minimum of $10 and had the option to sit in to eat or take the food to go.
Lyp explained he was in awe at how much food was actually served at the fundraiser event, stating that besides the smoked pork shoulders, they went through seven full pans of mac and cheese, seven full pans of baked beans and served over 100 pieces of corn bread.
Both families expressed their gratitude for the effort residents of Huntley have made to ensure they can get back on their feet.
“While we are devastated that the experience of a house fire will be etched as one of our children’s biggest childhood memories, we are consoled by the incredible acts of kindness from the community. The compassion and generosity that has been shown to us has been overwhelming,” said Tammy Winchester via her Facebook page.
“We certainly have a long road ahead, but it is so comforting to know we are not alone. We are eternally grateful for what this community has done for us, we will never forget the support we have received from you all and we will pay it forward.”
Vero Latendresse, speaking on behalf of her family, explained that her family will be displaced for a minimum of six months as a result of the fire damage. Despite that, she is grateful to have such a strong support network to protect her and her family.
“Our friends, family, co-workers, neighbors and the Huntley community have rushed to our aid with caring, food, supportive words and generous financial assistance to the point where we feel almost overwhelmed…As a family, we are truly blessed to be part of this caring community. We are still amazed how many of you jumped at the opportunity to help us. We are not sure where we would be without the support we received,” Latendresse said.
The other home involved in the fire belonged to Jim Gordon and his family. The Gordon family had just purchased the house and had yet to move in at the time the fire occurred.
For residents interested in donating to the two families, individuals can visit their Go Fund Me pages. The link for the Latendresse family’s page is: gofund.me/1a3a1e91.
To donate to the Winchester family, visit: gofund.me/dbb5f48d.