In the Mood for Food
Is there anything better than eating? It doesn’t matter if I’m eating with my best pals, or eating alone by the light of the refrigerator, or just testing a bit of something off the wooden spoon as I lean over the stove burner. The sensory cornucopia that is cooking and eating is often the highlight of my day: it’s one of those few activities that employs all five of the senses at once: seeing the vibrant colors mix as you chop red peppers, orange carrots, white onion, and green broccoli for a stir-fry; the warmth of something coming out of the oven; and smell of vanilla or cinnamon or maybe even chocolate; the sound of oil crackling when it hits the hot cast iron skillet. Most of all, there are those certain flavors that comfort us.
Food is a powerful keeper of memories, too. I can’t smell brown gravy and mashed potatoes without thinking of my grandmother; fresh bread from the oven immediately reminds me of my Mom; ask anyone and they will tell you a childhood memory that involves food. My husband fondly remembers the way his Grandma made him cinnamon toast after school, arranged on the plate in perfect triangles.
It isn’t surprising that we use the term “comfort food.” Food is both a necessity and an indulgence, sometimes at the same time.
Recently, the state of the world, paired with my penchant for worrying, on top of colder weather and shorter days (4:30 sunset? Is this necessary?) I’ve been turning to comfort foods to infuse some happiness in my life—or to put it in food terms, sop up some of life’s negativity sauce with a chewy crust of sourdough.
I must tip my hat to my go-to comfort foods: they are reliable, even if their nutritional value is somewhat lacking.
Here’s a quick rundown of my favorite comfort foods, matched with the appropriate emotion:
Ice cream – happiness or loneliness: the queen of all comfort foods! Its versatility makes it appropriate for celebration or consolation. Plain, topped with hot fudge and nuts, or mixed in a milkshake, ice cream is always there for you.
Cereal – indecision: For breakfast, it’s a mere necessity, a means to an end. But late at night, cereal is well-suited for carefully contemplating an important choice. Chew your Cheerios or Cap’n Crunch and hold your spoon absentmindedly in mid-air as you mull over your pros and cons list. The answer will undoubtedly come to you.
Gnocchi – sadness: These Italian dumplings, often made from potatoes, are the perfect, pillowy companion to sadness. When you are wallowing in your feelings, gnocchi demands absolutely nothing of you. It matches your mood perfectly by offering a soft, effortless support that provides a blank canvas for your favorite sauce.
Honey Barbecue Corn Chips (spiral) – anger: Feeling angry? These chips have a zesty flavor and an aggressive crunch to help you work out your feelings. Give your mind a temporary break from the betrayal or disappointment you’ve just suffered and just chomp down. Instead, focus on the salty residue left on your fingertips. How reckless are you feeling? You may end up simply washing your hands, but don’t forget that licking your fingertips one by one is also an option. This is a no judgment zone.
Cooked custard, vanilla (rice optional) – misery: Nothing beats the warm taste of custard made with fresh ingredients. Good quality vanilla is a must. Custard or rice pudding is perfect for when you’re sick at home. It holds up well as a stand-alone, but fresh fruit over the top makes it perfect.
Finally, not all comfort foods are for only end-of-your-rope moments.
Charcuterie – festive: These cheese boards covered with a variety of cheeses, meats, nuts, fruits, olives, and whatever sweet or savory bites you can think of are perfect for your next gathering. Place the board in the center of the group, and your pals will naturally press in around it. In the same way you may naturally break into a side conversation with one or two other people, the charcuterie board is the food version of a small gathering of friends. There are endless combinations of tastes and textures. Some of them are sweet, some of them are savory. All of them are good.