Trustees voice mainly positive views on a proposed Kelley’s Market gas station and convenience store
HUNTLEY — At the April 27 Village Board meeting, Huntley’s Director of Development Services Charlie Nordman presented trustees with conceptual plans from petitioner Kelley’s Market Gas Station and its owner Bakley Development, LLC to construct a 6,000 square-foot gas station/convenience store at the northwest corner of Route 47 and Noah Avenue.
According to the agenda meeting packet, the proposed gas station would include a Which Wich sandwich restaurant and a standalone car wash. Kelley’s Market also expressed a desire to sell packaged beer and wine.
The proposed gas station would be located immediately south of American Community Bank and would be zoned in the “B-3” Shopping Center Business District.
Nordman told trustees that the gas station canopy would accommodate 12 vehicles, with the diesel canopy being able to accommodate four vehicles. In addition, access to the site would be provided from two driveways on Noah Avenue, which has full access on Route 47—a signalized intersection would also be accessible at Route 47 and Reed Road.
Nordman also added that the proposed standalone car wash is to be located on the south end of the site with stacking for approximately seven vehicles.
The proposed site would provide parking for 30 vehicles, which meets the village’s Zoning Ordinance that requires four parking spaces per 1,000 square feet for gas stations with retail sales. However, staff has noted that the minimum number of required parking spaces for the Kelley’s Market gas station may increase when a floorplan has been provided for the building that indicates the area of the Which Wich restaurant.
Following Nordman’s presentation to the board, Trustee Ronda Goldman was the first in line to express her opinion on the plans.
“The thing that bothers me is I do not want another car wash. We have enough in Huntley and we have to take care of all of our businesses and everybody has to function so they make money and stay in business,” she said. “I went up there to Noah [Avenue] today (April 27), and I sat in my car and I really thought about it and I’m dead set against another car wash.”
Goldman did, however, emphasize the importance of finally having a gas station on the north side of town seeing as there is no such business between that area and Woodstock. She stated that residents have been wanting a gas station in that area for years.
Trustee JR Westberg told the petitioner that he would like to see the posts around the canopies wrapped in stone, also asking them to consider changing the façade of the building to resemble a farmhouse to make it stand out from other gas stations.
Trustees Mary Holzkopf, Niko Kanakaris, and Harry Leopold all echoed Goldman’s disapproval of the standalone car wash, though unlike Goldman, Holzkopf added that she would not oppose the car wash if it was crucial to the petitioner’s business model and it meant getting a much-needed gas station in that area of Huntley.
All the trustees agreed with Westberg’s idea of changing the exterior of the gas station into a farmhouse style, with most of the other comments having to do with maintaining the landscaping to match the surrounding businesses and the removal of the car wash in favor of something else to take its place.
Trustee Curt Kittle’s opinion differed somewhat from the rest of the board, stating that he was indifferent to the car wash and didn’t feel like it would “take a big hit” out of the larger volume car washes in Huntley.
“At the end of the day, I believe that you know the revenue that this generates is critically important for the areas that we go in and this will be a tax revenue generating facility,” stated one of the petitioners in attendance at the meeting. “We’re not asking for anything. We’re not asking for tax abatement. We’re not asking for any revenue sharing. [What] we’re asking for is to be responsible partners in your community and we’ll be responsible partners as well.”
As a final note, Mayor Tim Hoeft stated that it would be foolish for the village to not move forward with the Kelley’s Market gas station simply over not wanting a car wash. He ended his statement by telling the petitioners that they will need all the profit they can get especially with what the village board is asking of them in terms of changing the appearance of their building style.
Hoeft added that the village is used to taking heat from social media regarding the number of car washes in Huntley and expects to hear the same for this car wash. Hoeft further expects that the petitioner will have a positive experience if they are willing to make the changes that the board asked for.
No further action was expected to take place since it was just a conceptual review of the plans. The petitioner will have to go before the Plan Commission to have the final plans approved.