Village Board to review conceptual revised building elevations for the redevelopment of the former Village Hall building
HUNTLEY — At the April 13 Village Board meeting, petitioners True North Properties, Inc. came before trustees to present conceptual renderings for the redevelopment of the former Village Hall building located at 11704 Coral Street.
According to village staff, on Jan. 12, the Board of Trustees approved Resolution (R)2023-01.04 regarding the potential disposition of property within the Huntley Downtown TIF District and allowing the invitation of submissions of alternative bids and proposals for the former Village Hall building.
Upon arriving at the Jan. 27 deadline with no alternative proposals being submitted, the village began discussions with True North Properties about drafting a Purchase and Sale Agreement and a Redevelopment Agreement to accommodate the conversion of the former Village Hall building into a restaurant use.
The initial conceptual plans that were presented maintained the existing two-story portion of the building, demolished the single-story portion of the building to the rear, and added a new two-story addition to the north to provide additional seating, a banquet area, and kitchen space.
The new addition would have also included public restrooms that would be accessible from the exterior of the building for use during downtown events. Conceptual plans indicated that the new building addition would generally line up with the rear of the neighboring BBQ King building.
As discussions continued with True North Properties and an interested tenant, space needs and costs were re-evaluated, leading to the building addition having been revised from a two-story to a one-story addition instead.
The new revisions would result in approximately 5,115 square feet of space, with a basement area of 1,890 square feet under the new addition, according to the Aug. 24 Village Board meeting agenda packet.
To accomplish the change in plans, the addition would need to extend into the walkway between the building and the BBQ King building, which would reduce the width of the walkway to approximately six feet. The east side of the addition would also extend farther east and require relief for the ramp to be located within the right-of-way.
The new proposed design would be able to accommodate seating for up to 217 people and is designed to allow for overflow and/or banquet space within the new addition.
Village staff state that the main entrance to the restaurant will remain located on Coral Street with a second entrance for the banquet space provided along the Church Street elevation. An Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compatible ramp would be located at the rear of the building and would provide access to the restaurant’s banquet entrance and public restrooms that would also be located on the rear elevation of the building.
Additionally, the conceptual plans include an outdoor patio space that would be created along the Church Street frontage and would wrap along the front elevation of the building on Coral Street.
The new conceptual plans would not change the existing brick on the former Village Hall building, however, the addition to the building is proposed to be finished with stone on the middle portion and fiber cement siding on all sides of the northern portion of the building.
The interior would be designed to allow for the northern section of the building to operate as a stand-alone retail space if for some reason a restaurant would no longer operate out of the building. The north elevation would include a pick-up window for carry-outs, according to the meeting agenda packet.
Since the plans are still considered conceptual, the Village Board will not be required to provide a formal position statement on the proposed plans at the upcoming Aug. 24 Village Board meeting.
Trustees will simply provide any questions, comments, or concerns to the petitioner for their consideration as they proceed in the formal review process.