Memorial Day observance remembers fallen soldiers
HUNTLEY — The Huntley American Legion Post 673’s Memorial Day parade route down Main Street proved to be one historic one May 27.
“This will be the last Huntley Memorial Day parade,” Post 673 Commander-elect Mike Stojak told the crowd gathered at the Huntley Gazebo. “I am here again to bring realization to the meaning of Memorial Day. It is not a day of celebration, rather a day to remember those who have given their lives in defense of the freedoms of this great country.”
Stojak said the American Legion Post 673 membership voted unanimously for the change. Other events such as Poppy Days and the luncheon will continue. The American Legion Post members themselves love a parade, but not for this day.
Stojak told the crowd that there have been 646,596 US soldiers who have died in combat plus 539,000 who have died from non-combat injuries.
“These heroes saw their duty and performed it. They did not ask to be taken from their families and friends. They stood with their comrades and helped protect those at home. Their lives were cut way to short,” Stojak said.
He continued, “we cannot forget this sacrifice. We must remember them every day we enjoy our freedoms. One day a year does not give justice to their legacy. As you walk through each day, remember those brave souls. Look at the graveyards and cemeteries and see the flags placed on their graves. See the flags at half-staff until noon today. See the black banners on the flags that can’t be lowered.”
“We should also remember the approximately 17 soldiers who die from suicide each day,” he said. “And I would be remiss without mentioning the POWs and MIAs, 81,000 of whom are unaccounted for.”
At the close of his remarks, Stojak asked the crowd to repeat, “We Remember.’ It is affirmation of our respect for these fallen.”
The poem “Flanders Fields” about World War I was read, and the American Response. By oratorical contest winners Noah Jensen and Lisa Gebhardt. A wreath was placed at the US Flag next to the Post Home, and the HHS band played the National Anthem. A gun salute by Legion members and taps were performed.