Final plans for a 7-Brew Coffee restaurant head to the Village Board
HUNTLEY — Petitioner, Who Brew IL I, LLC, is back to present final Planned Unit Development (PUD) plans before the Village Board for a new 748 square-foot standalone 7-Brew Coffee restaurant with dual drive-through lanes on Lot 4a within Huntley Crossings Phase I.
According to the July 11 Village Board meeting agenda packet, in July 2023, the property owner (Core Huntley, LLC) received approval for a PUD and a Final Plat of Subdivision for Lot 4 within Huntley Crossings Phase I via the village’s Ordinance (O) 2023-07.43. That final PUD allowed for the development of two commercial buildings, including the standalone Chipotle restaurant that is currently under construction on Lot 4b.
Village staff state that the owner of the lot property did not move forward with the development of a proposed multi-tenant commercial building previously slated to be built on Lot 4a. The proposed 7-Brew Coffee will be located on the 1.46-acre Lot 4a at the southeast corner of Route 47 and Huntley Crossings Drive. The new coffee site will be located immediately north of the Chipotle restaurant.
The drive-through, adjacent to Huntley Crossings Drive, is designed to wrap the building and accommodate at least 22 vehicle stacking positions to the pickup window on the north side of the building. The site plan states that an outdoor patio is planned to be built at the front of the proposed 7-Brew Coffee restaurant.
The Village Board had previously done a concept review for 7-Brew Coffee on Nov. 9, 2023. Trustees did have a few comments for the petitioner which included preferring the cooler to be incorporated into the building’s design to not stand out. The petitioner has updated its plans to incorporate the cooler into the structure’s overall design. The cooler has also been relocated to the south side of the building, away from the viewpoints along Route 47 and Huntley Crossing Drive.
In addition, trustees also told the petitioner to consider adding pedestrian and bicycle facilities within the site. The current site plans have been revised to include a bicycle rack next to the outdoor patio. A sidewalk connection has also been made between the building, patio, parking row, and the existing pedestrian walkway along Huntley Crossings Drive.
The last major recommendation made to the petitioner during the concept review involved board members noting that the building’s prefab design did not fit with Huntley’s character or design. The petitioner’s final plans have now been upgraded to have the exterior material be changed from primarily metal siding to Glen-Gery thin brick in conformance with the Annexation Agreement. The brick and metal accents have been altered to align with the design of the Chipotle restaurant.
On June 24, the Plan Commission conducted a public hearing to consider the petitioner’s request. Due to no members of the public offering testimony in favor or opposition to the request, the Plan Commission recommended the approval of the plans to move forward to the Village Board by a vote of five to zero, subject to a few conditions.
At the upcoming Village Board meeting, trustees will be tasked with approving a special use permit for drive-through food service and approving the final PUD, including any necessary relief, for the construction of a 7-Brew Coffee with dual drive-through lanes.