Huntley Area Lions Club awards scholarships to three graduating Huntley High School seniors

Scholarship winner Owen Cravens stands next to his mother Dede and Lions Club President Jim Saletta and Lions Secretary Carol Santee
HUNTLEY – When Huntley Trustee Ronda Goldman, isn’t focusing her efforts in providing a voice for her constituents during Village Board meetings, she keeps herself busy with other activities such as being a member of the Huntley Area Lions Club.
On top of serving the community through the club’s efforts, Goldman also participates as a co-sponsor for Huntley High School’s Leo Club. As of recent, the Lions Club was able to award three graduating seniors with a scholarship for $1,000.
According to Goldman, Leo Club members are expected to “come up with and then [enact] fundraisers to help others [and] support the Lions Club International pillars (purposes).”
The acronym for L.E.O stands for “Leadership, Experience, and Opportunity,” according to the Lions Clubs International website. Members also conduct various projects in the fields of health care, elders, children, differently abled, literacy, education and self-development.
Leos are dependent on a Lions Club to sponsor and initiate a Leo Club.
The three recipients of the Huntley Area Lions Club scholarship included Huntley High School seniors Owen Cravens, Michael King and Raquel Radermarcher.
Cravens, who is legally blind due to suffering from a juvenile form of macular degeneration, was also recognized by District 158 back in Aug. 2020 for his academic success, as well as becoming a two-time national paratriathlete champion, with an ultimate goal of competing in the Paralympic games.
Cravens’ mother, Deidra “Dede,” expressed her excitement at having the opportunity to be present for her son’s award presentation.
“Huge shoutout to the Huntley Area Lions Club for inviting [Owen] to share his plans for college, after receiving the Lions Club Scholarship. It was a privilege and an honor to be in such great company and to hear about the roots of the organization and their ties to and support of the blind and deaf community. Thank you for all you do,” she said via Facebook.