D158 faces public outcry as plans are solidified for the 2021-2022 school year
HUNTLEY – On Wednesday, Aug. 4, Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced that a mask mandate would be in effect for all preschool through high school students and staff throughout the state, regardless of vaccination status.
Despite masking controls being taken away from schools at the local level, Huntley Community School District (D158) was prepared to present the plans the district was hoping to implement, after Pritzker’s masking mandate is lifted.
D158 Superintendent Scott Rowe, revealed at the Aug. 5 Committee of the Whole meeting, that the district still plans on maintaining certain mitigation strategies like utilizing the three feet of social distancing whenever possible, and allowing students to “Zoom” into their classes if they are in quarantine.
Though what caused the biggest uproar from parents in attendance, was the fact that D158 had decided that masking would be required for preschool through elementary school students regardless of the rate of transmission.
Unvaccinated middle and high school students would be strongly advised to wear masks within the low (0-9.99 new cases of COVID-19) and moderate (10-49.99 new cases of COVID-19) transmission levels, however it would not be required.
The substantial (50-99.99 new cases) and the high (less than or equal to 100 new cases) transmission categories in the district’s tiered plan, would require universal masking for all regardless of vaccination status.
D158 will also be utilizing the COVID-SHIELD saliva test to monitor transmission levels within the district.
“Currently we are under a mask mandate from the governor where universal masking will be required in our school. When that ends, our intent is to return to this plan and we’re dependent upon where we are in the transmission level, will depend on where we would enter control,” Rowe said. “Whether it’s universal masking or masking at the Pre-K through five level, all depends upon county transmission rates and our internal rates based on SHIELD testing data.”
Rowe explained that decisions to remove mitigation strategies will be based on data “supported by science and consultation with the McHenry County Department of Health (MCDH).”
Rowe also made it a point to tell parents that D158 is not requiring the disclosure of a child’s vaccination status, though he iterated, that students that are vaccinated against COVID-19 do not have to quarantine. Additionally, parents will have the opportunity to “opt-out” of having their children participate in the SHIELD COVID-19 saliva testing.
Unvaccinated students will also be able to avoid quarantining in the event of exposure, if they participate in weekly SHIELD tests.
In response to some parents questioning the legality of enforcing such regulations, Rowe commented that the district’s legal counsel had stated that the district’s plan was legally sound.
Rowe made the comment that D158 would be at risk for losing their liability insurance if they defy recommendations issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), as well as could risk losing funding from the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE).
Parents from the online based D158 Parent Union group, were not pleased with the district’s response and went on to criticize the board’s plan during public comments.
Parent Dave Roberts, told the Board of Education (BOE): “We are reiterating to you that our parent union and our children will not comply with any COVID policies, protocols or procedures to which any relating questions remain unanswered…Backed by the law, we demand that masks, COVID testing, social distancing and quarantine are all [made] optional and voluntary…Until [our] questions that we’ve posed are completely answered, our parent union will further our efforts to oppose all COVID policies, protocols, procedures and the decision-makers responsible for them.”
While some board members like Melissa Maiorino, shared concerns on having masks be optional for only middle and high school students, board vice-president Kevin Gentry strongly advocated for approving the district’s plan.
“It comes down to what our initiative is overall and it’s how do we as a community, as a school, get the greatest odds possible of a successful school year,” Gentry said. “From a decision-process standpoint, it is one of those actions that we can take to increase the odds of the most kids getting the most in-person education to be the most effective this year.”
Board president Tony Quagliano who was also in approval of the district’s plan stated, “There isn’t a lot of logic to not following exactly what the governor has presented here. Whether you like him or not, that’s the decision he’s made and I don’t know of another school district that’s not following [the mask mandate] right now, both public or private.”
However, attorney Thomas DeVore, who has a history of suing Pritzker, has filed a lawsuit against the governor and the ISBE director on behalf of an Illinois parent.
“Every lawsuit he’s filed has failed. Mandatory masks in schools, that’s something that we’ve had before. Certainly, we are still in an emergency. We can all see that the Delta variant is beginning to overtake parts of the country,” Pritzker said in a press briefing.
Regardless of any legal actions taken against Pritzker, D158’s BOE moved forward with voting to approve of the district’s plan to follow IDPH and CDC guidance after Pritzker’s mask mandate is lifted.
Board member Paul Troy was the only one to vote against the district’s plan.
For more details on D158’s return to school plan, visit the district’s website at district158.org.